Monday, October 17, 2005

Vintage Clothing and MORE for Men is much more that an ordinary Men's vintage clothing website. While it's true that lately we've been promoting all of of funky 1970's fashions, the truth is that we are all excited about the fantastic top quality vintage and modern day high end merchandise that we will soon begin concentrating on in November. We have some wonderful top quality mens suits to add to the site. Get ready to get dressed up. The new year is closer than you think and some of you men out there could very well make a resolution to concentrate more on developing your own unique sense of style. The trendsetting men who shop at DressThatMan don't always follow every runway fashion trend in order to "fit in" with what's "in" according to the magazines and other forms of media - they know that in the long run they make a definite statement by puchasing what they like, and wearing it well by getting a proper fit. Clothes that make a man look good will make him feel good. That confident feeling is priceless.

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