Dig the depiction of Men's pants in the 60's in the photo above. 1967 specifically. From the Penneys Fall and Winter catalog. Belt widths ranged from medium to wide, and some pants were minus the belt loops all together. Cuffed leg hems and uncuffed. All with tapered legs, and... as you can see, pants were worn much shorter back in the 1960's. Gotta show off a bit of sock and those shoes, man.
If you're a guy into wearing uber expensive modern day shoes, you could be hoping for this "show off your shoes" style to make a comeback. While others may be having horrible flashbacks to Family Matters Steve Urkel character.
If this style ever does come back full circle, we might all have to be reassessing what socks we are wearing. Those bagankle (baggy ankle) socks will be the first to go - and not simply the stretched out at the ankle socks, but the ones that slowly make their way south throughout the day and end up looking like two homeless Shar Pei puppies. Which on a side note, might make some cool sock puppets. At least you could have a little bit of fun with them before adding to the sudden influx of socks overflowing the landfills.
Yes Sir. Socks don't get the respect they deserve nowadays. They are kept mostly hidden, in the dark, far away and underneath things. The ones we love are prone to lose a twin, mysteriously disappearing in the apparently hungry washer and/or dryer. Wanted posters don't help. Neither do rewards. Sometimes we keep the solo sock hoping for a reunion and wait for years before we finally throw the urchins out.
Yet, every now and then the stars align in the universe and a sock comes back. "So Far Away" by Carole King stops incessantly playing over and over in your head, replaced by "Reunited" by Peaches and Herb.
Go ahead. Be proud. Show off your socks.