Clothes as Art
wild, wearable mens fashion we love
Not every man can pull off wearing a Lilly Putlitzer. Palm Beach socialite turned fashion designer, she worked not because she had to but, because she wanted a project of her own. Bright, bold and in your face color and design Lilly began designing and creating women's clothing after first operating a juice stand in Palm beach. Her designs became a sensation with the rich and famous.
Lilly created her Men’s Stuff line for a limited time in the late 60’s and early 70's. Today she still has a devoted fan following who hold in high esteem their ownership of an authentic vintage Lilly. Granted, it’s a niche. But it’s a niche we love. Lilly Putlitzer Men's Stuff devotees are a special bunch. Unafraid of wearing clothes that demand attention for their funky prints and ultra bright colors, this wild attire is not something every man would wear. To the man with a passion for wearing Lilly, he exudes confidence and absolutely doesn’t take life as seriously as some. We’ve found that these guys have a sense of unparalleled humor and tend to be the definition of, “life of the party.”
We love Lilly! And we love guys who love the vintage Men's Stuff line.
The same goes for the wild and colorful disco shirts from the 1970’s. The man that wears a funky shirt isn’t at all afraid of attracting attention and being different. In fact, they take great pride in being their own man. They are self-assured and create excitement, and of course, people can’t help but to notice them wherever they go. Nobody else shows up at the club looking like a clone of you when stepping out in an authentic vintage 70’s disco era shirt.
Of course, the man beneath the clothes is the deciding individual factor as to whether or not he can feel comfortable proudly wearing such a loud clothing. There’s no hiding like a wallflower when you choose to go wild man, here I am, retro style. It’s a bold and manly maneuver set aside for the few who are so daring.
The crew at DressThatMan.com loves the fun guys in the world and makes a big toast to you all. Wherever you are on the globe. We truly appreciate you.
Show off your individuality. Celebrate your independence from the sea of the fashion blasé. Following the multitude isn’t an option for all.
Be your own man.
Show us your prints!
Show us your colors!
Clothing is ART.