Check out these models wearing the newest creations by famed French fashion designer Pierre Cardin during the presentation of his Spring-Summer 2009 and Autumn-Winter 2009 collections. These photos were taken at his villa in Theoule sur Mer, southern France, on Monday, Oct. 6, 2008.
What the hell? Do you know anyone who actually yearns to look like a BUG and flit around town in either of these creations? While the first model appeases the photographer while striking a pose behind dark glasses as a big RED period with a pocket, that second model appears quite unhappy wearing the quilted kite with a shark fin head. Miserable perhaps due to only being able to move her arms at the elbow.
Born on July 7th, 1922... Pierre Cardin is a world famous Italian born French Fashion designer known for his avant-garde design and a love of geometric shapes. But, please Mr. Cardin... is this actually the haute couture of the future? We suspect if it was anyone BUT Pierre Cardin, these pictures would have never made fashion news. Ugh.
The 1970's has taken quite the rap for its eccentric and flashy funky fashion for years, and of course, the crew at DressThatMan.com fully promotes its revival to this day. We dig it.
Compared to this shit... the 1970's were dead ON serious, man.
Is that crap for real? If it is, that old man needs to be slapped. And HARD.
This stuff is crazy! But fashion is fashion right? Maybe he's very abstract... Anyway, I love your site! Way interesting and fun to read!
Heather Feather
Check out mine at http://www.squidoo.com/funkyfashion!
He's old and has plenty of money. He can do what he wants. Not all fashion is art. These so-called fashions SUCK.
What the fuck? If this is for real, it's laughable. The Cardin meter has hit zero.
Tell me it ain't so Pierre. Jeebus Crisp.
Fashion isn't fashion per se. Not to me. Abstract? LMAO yes. Out of his mind? YES. Might as well be wearing trash bags.
These are the most ridiculous outfits i have ever seen! This man can sooo not be serious!
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