Oh, man. Speculation abounds as well as disinformation.A website was brought to our attention recently where we were being discussed here.
Which then led us to this post here - yes, one that we found rather amusing.
PayPal rotates the featured shops, and has NEVER sent us "millions" of visitors even when we are up there in the featured space! Rest assured.
As we have disclosed on our myspace page - in 2008, we had over 1,200,000 visitors look at over 4 million pages. We should know, having total access to the server stats. Yep. We surely know, baby.
As a Vintage Clothing store for MEN only, with a major emphasis on fashion from the 70's disco era, we are quite clearly a specialty enterprise that is focused intensely on a niche market. One which would only be appealing to a segment of Men, women and costumers who are seriously looking specifically for original vintage clothing.
We're doing what we should be doing, man. Concentrating on funking you wild guys up. And, remaining relevant to our cause.
The fact is there are many sites out there offering speculative and erroneous information about us: Alexa, Quantcast and more. Of course, Alexa stats are driven by people who have the "Alexa toolbar" installed, which doesn't reveal the big picture - and Quantcast... well, they'd like to sell us something and then post all of the statistics. Uh huh.
We've also noticed a recent insurgence of bullshit keyword spamming type websites with our name in them for what reason we aren't sure - other than they are desperate in trying to get hits, so they add as many "keywords" as possible and we happen to be one of them. Yet, we haven't noticed one person arriving on our site from any of them. Hmmmm.

Having a website is much more than how many "hits" you get.
It all comes down to what you've got once they arrive.