A website was brought to our attention recently where we were being discussed here. Which then led us to this post here - yes, one that we found rather amusing.
PayPal rotates the featured shops, and has NEVER sent us "millions" of visitors even when we are up there in the featured space! Rest assured.
As we have disclosed on our myspace page - in 2008, we had over 1,200,000 visitors look at over 4 million pages. We should know, having total access to the server stats. Yep. We surely know, baby.
As a Vintage Clothing store for MEN only, with a major emphasis on fashion from the 70's disco era, we are quite clearly a specialty enterprise that is focused intensely on a niche market. One which would only be appealing to a segment of Men, women and costumers who are seriously looking specifically for original vintage clothing.
We're doing what we should be doing, man. Concentrating on funking you wild guys up. And, remaining relevant to our cause.
The fact is there are many sites out there offering speculative and erroneous information about us: Alexa, Quantcast and more. Of course, Alexa stats are driven by people who have the "Alexa toolbar" installed, which doesn't reveal the big picture - and Quantcast... well, they'd like to sell us something and then post all of the statistics. Uh huh.
We've also noticed a recent insurgence of bullshit keyword spamming type websites with our name in them for what reason we aren't sure - other than they are desperate in trying to get hits, so they add as many "keywords" as possible and we happen to be one of them. Yet, we haven't noticed one person arriving on our site from any of them. Hmmmm.

Having a website is much more than how many "hits" you get.
It all comes down to what you've got once they arrive.
I like how that Frager dude says, "Another example of a profitable business built on a domain most domainers would deem worthless." LOL. No doubt they wish they had bought the name to sell it to you at an inflated price.
Then he goes on to say,"In this case PayPal Shops sends millions of visitors there each day (which is how I discovered them)." LMAO and he's a reputable marketing man?
Holy crap Garth - that was FAST, man!
You know... we aren't "domainers" trying to buy up the next best thing. We simply chose the name due to the fact we wanted something easy to remember and catchy. If they can't recall your domain name - how are they going to find you?
Anyway... yeah. We're DressThatMan.com - it worked!
Mr. Frager is a reputable marketing man... and he's talking about us. Even though he found us via a PayPal featured shop, he quickly realized we're a profitable business.
Go Frager.
This is Frager. I'm flattered that you are making such a big deal of this. My example was being made to a domainer audience who think domains are the center of the universe. They value a name based on something known as Overture scores or the probability that people will type a keyword string name into the address bard by accident and the browser will add the .com and send traffic your way. They then rergister these names and put up parked pages full of ads hoping to earn back more then their costs $7 a year. Quite an insane model compared to yours.
My only point was that you don't need this nonsense to build a business on a domain. The PayPal example was convenient because it led me to your site and i read that 36 million people see those PayPal ads monthly.
Since you had over a million visits you prove the point. Not only is the domain you chose a great name for your business, your business is a great niche for the Internet, especially as places like Love Saves The Day become extinct.
Of course those debating your numbers wouldn't know anything about placers like that because they've barely been born yet.
If you'd like some great 70s music mixes, contact me via the contact button on my blog. I've got a killer collection.
LMAO... hey Frager... no big deal, more interesting than anything. It did seem to be a bigger deal on the domainer site as far as the statistical speculation went. Clearly, not our forte.
Yeah, we were thinking about Love Saves the Day . com - and, wow... it's still available, so it's not too late. But, I think we'll stick with DressThatMan.com as it's working well for us.
Seriously, have a kick ass collection of 70's music on vinyl that we're converting into mp3 format - as well as the stuff we've already got packed on our collective ipods. We listen to it daily for inspiration here in the shop. It works wonders and we're full of it (<--- yes, that was an intentional double entendre.)
Now that we know there's a groovy marketing guy out there named Frager who digs his 70's music collection... we will imagine that you are doing your very best work while wearing tight polyester pants and a wild print disco shirt. It is flattering and it works for us, man.
I see what Frager is saying that you can't pay for placement advertising from a marketing standpoint from a behemoth like PayPal. Now whether it converted into sales I don't know but it got your name out there to the new visitors and DressThatMan.com is unique for sure.
The Alexa stats are crap, they even admit it here:
Biased bullshit.
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