Saturday, December 31, 2005
Men's Vintage Clothing: Marketing - part 2
I pointed out to them that eBay was running an ad with the word FUNKED in it. And, hey... eBay is a BIG money maker and waaaay bigger than us here at DressThatMan, but - that really isn't the point, is it? It's the whole principal of the shady funked up deal, man.
If a word or term is banned on Google AdWords, then it is. For everyone.
Here's a portion of the response from the kind folks over at Google:
Hello Sam,
Thank you for your email.
I've confirmed that you currently have no disapproved ads, and your ad
text with:
Pimp Ya Hide, Man
We'll Funk Ya Up in 70s Disco Suits
Men's Vintage Leisure Suits, Shirts
is approved and running on Google.
Our AdWords Specialists review ads that run on Google to ensure that they comply with our advertising policies. I apologize if the prior disapproval of your ad was made in error. However, after reviewing your ad again, our Specialists have found that your ad meets all our Editorial Guidelines and advertising policies.
AHA! An error was made.
It's OK to be Funked Up again. We've got permission.
Happy New Year! Time to smack on that retro polyester kick ass bellbottom suit and get that party started.
I mean, to get completely far out and totally Funked Up.
To enable my head to ring in the New Year when I wake up tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Men's Vintage Clothing: Marketing

Yesterday, Google sent us a little smack via email regarding one of the 3 ads we're running. It has amused us to the point we are still snickering.
The big picture: Hey, we know that they are just doing their job. We adore Google and if we weren't working here, we'd love to be working with them. They have a great thing going on. Who wouldn't want to jump on that bandwagon? They ROCK!
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Marketing - our online vintage clothing store for men. Right now, chock full of mens funky fashions and ready more. We're excited about things to come.
Our recent pay-per-click ads place great emphasis on the 1970's disco clothing for men we're currently specializing in and featuring prominently on the site. When it came to internet marketing, wanted something different, that approach appears to be working extremely well for us.
We decided to run a few ads beginning in the fall. We got the little smack for one of the 3 we're running.
Truthfully, the email from Google was nothing more than a standard form type letter, and we can assume it's basic protocol.
Here's a portion of the e-mail we received yesterday:
Our Google AD TEXT:
Pimp Ya Hide, Man
Funked Up Retro 70's Disco Suits,
Men's Vintage Leisure Suits, Shirts
Ad Status: Suspended - Pending Revision
Ad Issue(s): Inappropriate Language
SUGGESTIONS: Ad Content: We do not allow text ads or image ads containing "Funked" to run on Google at this time. Please remove this inappropriate language from your ad, and we will be happy to run your ad on Google.
- - - > so, what did we do? - - - of course, we changed that particular AD!
To this: Pimp Ya Hide, Man
We'll Funk Ya Up in 70s Disco Suits
Men's Vintage Leisure Suits, Shirts
The hilarious thing about this is that we have an older ad that's been running for quite some time now.
It looks like this:
Mens 1970s Disco Clothes
get totally Funked Up 70's style
at for Men only!
It's still running! With the "not allowed" term, the banned, word FUNKED.
I suppose it won't be long until we get another email informing us to change the text on that AD. Especially because I'm pointing that out in blogger, Google's very own blog tool! Silly me.
The general consensus around here is that someone complained and Google looked into it and decided it was naughty and not nice. Which undoubtedly leaves us off a few Christmas lists.
But, hey... that's the way it goes. The complainer can feel free to send us a lump of coal.
Actually, if it WAS a complaint originating from someone in a similar line of business I think that is a marvelous compliment! They are paying attention!
If the people at Google we're simply performing a routine check on their ads, clearly... they would have seen all 3 ads and noticed that naughty banned word, "FUNKED."
We can deduce from that information alone it wasn't an inside job at Google. Someone pointed out that particular ad to them.
Who cares who “reported” the ad?
We remain vastly amused.
So, funk off.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Leisure Suits exhaulted
Enshrined in Henry Ford Museum in Detroit, Michigan we have one Leisure Suit ensemble on exhibit.
check it out!
Monday, December 12, 2005
there's a NEW MAN in town

While it's true that our mannequins don't exactly talk, we want you to know that they are highly capable of thought processing.
So, we developed a finely tuned method in which their thoughts would take over the keyboard and upload to blogger. And, we had to use stem cells from house mice to do it. We're working on the patent now. :::end:::
.... program initializing
.... ready to begin interface
.... connected
It's exhausting being one of the guys. You're forced to dance in between shoots. 16 hour days are not unheard of. Plus! Some of the stuff they make us wear, we peons have no say in it.
The boss doesn't believe it - but, the night staff has been known to slap us around. After an evening of such abuse, we barely rest when we are AGAIN listening to that relentless thumping, evil beat of DISCO music that never really goes away when the lights are off. Not even after the slapping is over.
How would you like to be a virtual concubine subject to the whims of your many masters while you are literally forced to change your clothes at the drop of a hat and pose for photographs on a daily basis? And... to wear colors that just don't look good on you. KNOWING the entire time that these photographs will appear on the... INTERNET! Lord knows what the pervs....
.... programming failure
.... transmission interupted
.... dump stack
Friday, December 09, 2005
NOS Vintage Suits 39R DEADSTOCK
The downside is that the only size we got was 39 Regular in all 6 suits. The upside is that there are some guys out there who can wear a 39R! These are the men are going to get incredibly lucky.
The suits are late 1960's to early 1970's. Perfect for the MOD look!
When we get some pics of 'em, we'll throw one up here.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Quality Vintage Clothing
And...that's exactly WHY we have so many repeat customers!
We have declassified this TOP SECRET information, and are now prepared to divulge our highly technical methods and terminology to determine what we will sell on
If, in the course of garment inspection any of the following phrases are uttered, or variances thereof, the article is immediately placed into the rejection pile.
1. What in the hell is this?
2. Man, this smells like --- insert adjective of your choice here ---
3. This is - pick one > a.fake repro c.a rag d.mine
4. I wouldn't coerce a muddy dog I didn't like to wear this shit. Declassified
putting YOU in the know!
Monday, November 28, 2005

We get this question a lot. Just what is DEADSTOCK anyway?
We refer to items as "Deadstock" meaning they are unworn, essentially new, generally with original tags (but, not always!) or... in the original packaging VINTAGE clothing.
Deadstock is also often referred to as NOS - meaning New Old Stock.
So... now you know!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
some guys have all the fun
Friday, November 18, 2005
Disco Clothing - Passion for 70's Fashion

The wild disco print polyester shirts, shiny nylon shirts, the big butterfly collars, the flares and bellbottom pants, the crazy fun and super funky polyester leisure suits, the platform shoes... the 70’s was an era in mens vintage clothing that stands out and away from the others surrounding it.
Defined, at least in part, by the rhythmic beats of disco music - it was a decade of men's fashion distinction. Back in the 70’s, some people loved to hate disco music, and we think it’s because they we’re flat out trippin’ and jive talkin’ shit because they couldn’t dance. And, if you couldn’t shake that thang, why go to the club harboring thumpy beats? Although some of them kept on truckin’ past the discothèque fearing the boogie, other non-dancers made themselves at home there sitting at a table having drinks, while watching the show out on the lighted dance floor and keeping an eye on their friends gear. Fog machines pumping while the strobe lights add a trippy visual, police beacons, whistles & sirens, platforms bumping, hands clapping and waving in the air… it was so very Studio 54, in varying scales, all across the land.
That very same disco music from the 1970’s is making a HUGE resurgence in clubs worldwide today. It’s not all that different from techno pop, electronica, dance party house music being made now - because… if you’re hip to the real retro euro seventies groove you KNOW that music has clear Disco roots. If you never experienced the 70’s yourself, and you went to a club that mixed it up and sporadically played actual club music from that era – and we’re NOT talking strictly about the Disco music that was played on the radio – but, comparable to today's electronica and techno, mixed a bit, you may not even realize it’s music from the 70’s.
Now back to the Disco Clothes.
At…we’re totally flipped out, man. Right ON! Because we love the BUZZ that authentic 1970’s vintage disco clothing creates. You betcha. Mostly, WE LOVE getting modern men into 1970’s disco shirts. The wilder the better, baby! As well as seventies polyester Leisure Suits and bell bottom pants or flared leg pants, too. Why? We mainly love it because you can take the most straight laced guys and turn them into wild party men once they don our kick ass 1970’s threads. Disco clothing transforms these men into polyester super heroes.
It's just plain FUN!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
1970's Fashion brings out his WILD side...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Disco Clothing for MEN!

Our intention at was, starting in November, to put into our online stock many of the fine modern day and high quality vintage suits we have waiting patiently in the warehouse for prepping.
But, NO!
The vast majority of our customers are still clamoring for MORE of the totally wild and FUNKED UP look in the form of men’s authentic vintage fashions from the 1970's. Huge butterfly collar super funky Disco Shirts, Leisure Suits and 70's bell bottoms and flared pants.
We're listening and we heard you loud and clear, man!
You want that far out, groovy retro seventies fashion and we’re dishing.
And, that's cool with us. Because we love the funk and you gotta have it.
Oh, yeah...
...who is THAT man dressed in Vintage Clothing?

A man with a flair for astonishing style certainly gets the looks. People can’t help but notice him.
A confident walk through the mall wearing a vintage 3 piece suit will prove the fact. If he’s bold enough to wear a fine hat with his suit, he’ll prove it all the more. While the sight of a man wearing a proper hat was the norm up through the 1950's, it’s a sight rarely seen today. Wear one and you’ll draw stares.
No, baseball caps do not count as proper hats. A cap it is, and they make no true fashion statement. In fact, the more we stared at them the more we thought they looked silly. Like a beanie. Yep. Off with that propeller and on with a brim. That’s the only difference. Drop the prop and give it a bill as a slight upgrade.
While we agree that everything has its place - baseball caps are fine if you are actually on the team or you are watching an outdoor sporting event, golfing or fishing in the sun. They epitomize casual wear and are never part of any manly formalities. In fact, they look a lot like the protective noggin gear that is often observed on small humans. You know, those who drool and haven’t yet attained the speech required to say, "take this damn thing off me!" Except that yours doesn’t tie under your chin.
When you are daring enough to be wearing a 3 piece vintage suit, get yourself under a Fedora. The classic look of the 30's, 40's and 50's. Made popular by gangsters and adopted by the elite as well as the common man.
Humphrey Bogart and Cary Grant had it going on, baby. A 3 piece suit *and* a Fedora. That look that’ll get the looks is so old Hollywood cool. Snapper dapper, dashingly distinguished. You’ll be sure to stand out in any crowd.
For added savior fare, rent yourself a vintage vehicle and tool around town.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
1970's Disco Shirts

See our current collection of genuine 1970's mens vintage disco shirts here.
It's all GOOD at!
Because it's all good, baby.
If you WANT to buy stained, strained and worn out, ripped up rags and stuff, then is NOT where you want to shop. We take pride in the high quality of our vintage merchandise. And, if and when there ever are any issues with something - we're entirely up front with it. Very few items we carry have major issues... unless it's just too damn cool to destroy.
We love that about us!
While we change and evolve with you into whatever we will become, that's one thing that will never change.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Wild man on the loose in Michigan!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
the Men who wear Authentic Vintage Clothing ROCK!

Retrolucious, baby! The crew at thanks all of you guys (and women, too) out there who have been shopping on the site in October 2005. This month you've picked off some of the best of our Mens super funky, pimpin' disco 1970's clothes. You kept us hopping around the shop, answering questions, having a laugh, prepping orders and generally going nuts in the pursuit of fitting you in the best party clothes we had. Along with pulling things off the racks that didn't even make it to the site!
This weekend is chock full of Halloween parties across the land, and we'll be imagining all the wild retro men out there smiling and partying heartily who are outfitted by DressThatMan. Lots of big ass bell bottoms, butterfly collar disco shirts, and polyester leisure suits.... a literal disco inferno spread across the USA. We hope that you all get your freak on and move to the groove and basically have a big ol' damn BLAST!
Not to worry, we'll be doing some major partying and kicking back after Friday. We deserve some chill time and we're gonna take it.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Vintage Clothing and MORE for Men

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Just say NO to Crack
Yes, I confess. My father was a virtual master at the deplorable showing of ass crack.
Ugh. The fashion coupe de grace disgrace. Like the trailer trash welcoming committee must be hiding in the bushes. Waiting silently for the cue to drag you on Jerry Springer’s stage. To reveal a sordid secret.
Dad’s crack secret wasn’t actually a secret to begin with. That split screen was a fact. Plain as the light of day and like the crack of dawn, the predictable appearance of the crack of Dad loomed on the posterior horizon. He didn’t do crack in private, he did crack in public. For the world to see, albeit sporadically. Like whenever he crouched down or bent over.
It was like Dad lost his ass in an unfortunate accident nobody spoke of. Truth is, neither my brothers or my sister can recall any backroom gossip explaining it. Because when he was standing, Dad frequently tugged on his pants. Not that they would ever fall down mind you but, due to his condition he was continually in a state of adjustment. He probably wasn’t even aware of it. But it seemed that somewhere along the line, he had lost most of the ass that may have once held up his pants.
He’d be in the garage crouched down welding. Sparks would be flying like the fourth of July. Rooster’s tail style. One to the left and one to the right. Protective welding helmet down. And, there was the ass crack. Peeking out between a dark work shirt and a pair of jeans. He never worried about the sparks in the crack. We used to laugh about it.
It was never a style that was trendy then, nor will it ever be. Not even in a million years.
Dad died several years ago. Unrelated to ass crack exposure.
But, still….
….we'll miss that ass.
Monday, October 10, 2005

Check out John, our newest member of the DressThatMan Funky Fashion Hall of Fame!
Wow, man. This is one cool retro happening dude. John and his girlfriend Sarah wowed the crowd at their 2005 Homecoming. In fact, he and his Farrah Fawcett look-a-like girlfriend Sarah were approached by the limo company to dress up in their retro clothes for a photo shoot the company wants to use in an advertising brochure.
More proof that good things happen when you shop at DressThatMan for the best in retro revival and trendsetting mens fashion. Thanks for sharing your image with us John!
click here to check out John and Sarah
Friday, September 30, 2005
Disco Party - get out the PLATFORM SHOES !

We can't imagine some of the guys we know having the impediment of wearing such shoes while trying to navigate anything. Apparently, back in the 70's, it wasn't a problem. These shoes were super styling, super fly pimp daddy-o freaky cool to the nth degree. No doubt there were people staring at these bad ass shoes 30 plus years ago and wishing they could only be so damn cool.
Foot stomping, jive talkin', platform pumping, leisure suit, tight disco shirt wearing hot ass stud muffin. And if he could pull off the moves and swivel those hips on the lighted dance floor, he was the farkin' KING.
Leisure suit jacket comes off, hung on the back of his bar chair and he's back on the dance floor. The shirt is tucked in, the flares or big bells are skin tight and he's groovin' to the thump of the bass. Fog machine and strobe lights make even the people who can't dance look like they can. And, if you're stoned on your ass after that visit to your car with your friends in the parking lot to smoke some weed and are now sitting in your seat, you're staring at the whole picture unaware that your mouth is open and you look like a dork and a half. You may as well get on the dance floor and do a twirling whirling dervish under the strobe in the fog just because, well... it'll freak out people who know you.
We can't tell you how many disco shirts we've picked up only to find what appears to be pot seed burns on them, but... it's been a LOT. So... if you're looking for something like that, let us know. Most of them don't make the transition to being put up on But, we always seem to keep a few around.
You can score a stoners shirt from the 70's.
Munchies not included.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
vintage clothing GUAYABERA shirts
The shirt is becoming impatient to have some new life put into it. We swear we heard it speaking in a deep baritone voice with a huffy overtone, "...where is that bastard, I'm so tired of waiting... if I knew anything about him - anything... I'd hunt him down and jump on his back."
Yeah. Work long and hard enough and this stuff mumbles.
Friday, September 23, 2005
70s Disco Party Clothes for Men

Looking for mens polyester 1970's Disco Leisure Suits? Look no further than !
We've been having a damn BLAST putting together some of the funkiest stuff for you retro party guys, and we can tell you that we're having a hard time keeping stock because these suits are literally flying off the shelves.
Bell bottoms and wild disco shirts are prime items for fun men on planet earth. Get that man in a crazy AUTHENTIC disco shirt and his personality changes immediately. We've had such an amazing reception from all of you wild men that we can barely keep up with your demands for the best of the best in retro 70s party attire.
The crew at DressThatMan just wants to say.... we LOVE you guys!
And, thanks for all of the compliments you've given us lately - especially the ones we would never publish publicly. It keeps us inspired even when we are dead ass tired.
If you haven't checked us out, get over here before all of the goods are entirely picked over.
The work day is done for us. It's Friday night and we're heading out for a night on the town. We'll quaff some for you, eh?
Hopefully, our heads will be clear and we'll get some major work done by the time we're back at it when Monday rolls around.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
ZIP HISTORY & how zippers work
The history of the zipper goes back to an invention patented in 1851 'Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure.' Patented by Elias Howe who invented the Sewing Machine.
Perhaps it was the success of the sewing machine, which caused Elias not to pursue marketing his clothing closure. As a result, Howe missed his chance to become the recognized 'Father of the Zip.' Instead, forty-four years later, Mr. Whitcomb Judson (who also invented the 'Pneumatic Street Railway') marketed a 'Clasp Locker' a device similar to the 1851 Howe patent. Being first to market it gave Whitcomb the credit of being the 'Inventor of the Zipper', However, his 1893 patent did not use the word zipper. The Chicago inventor's 'Clasp Locker' was a complicated hook-and-eye shoe fastener. Together with businessman Colonel Lewis Walker, Whitcomb launched the Universal Fastener Company to manufacture the new device. The clasp locker had its public debut at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and met with little commercial success.
Swedish-born (who later immigrated to Canada), Gideon Sundback, an electrical engineer, was hired to work for the Universal Fastener Company. Good design skills and a marriage to the plant-manager's daughter Elvira Aronson led Sundback to the position of head designer at Universal. He was responsible for improving the far from perfect 'Judson C-curity Fastener.' Unfortunately, Sundback's wife died in 1911. The grieving husband busied himself at the design table and by December of 1913, he had designed the modern zipper.
Gideon Sundback increased the number of fastening elements from four per inch to ten or eleven, had two facing-rows of teeth that pulled into a single piece by the slider, and increased the opening for the teeth guided by the slider. The patent for the 'Separable Fastener' was issued in 1917. Sundback also created the manufacturing machine for the new zipper. The 'S-L' or scrapless machine took a special Y-shaped wire and cut scoops from it, then punched the scoop dimple and nib, and clamped each scoop on a cloth tape to produce a continuous zipper chain. Within the first year of operation, Sundback's zipper-making machinery was producing a few hundred feet of fastener per day.
The popular 'zipper' name came from the B. F. Goodrich Company, when they decided to use Gideon's fastener on a new type of rubber boots or galoshes and renamed the device the zipper, the name that lasted. Boots and tobacco pouches with a zippered closure were the two chief uses of the zipper during its early years. It took twenty more years to convince the fashion industry to seriously promote the novel closure on garments.
In the 1930’s, a sales campaign began for children's clothing featuring zippers. The campaign praised zippers for promoting self-reliance in young children by making it possible for them to dress in self-help clothing. The zipper beat the button in the 1937 in the "Battle of the Fly," when French fashion designers raved over zippers in men's trousers. Esquire magazine declared the zipper the "Newest Tailoring Idea for Men" and among the zippered fly's many virtues was that it would exclude "The Possibility of Unintentional and Embarrassing Disarray." Obviously, the new zippered trouser owners had not yet discovered the experience of forgetting to zip-up.
The next big boost for the zipper came when zippers could open on both ends, as on jackets. Today the zipper is everywhere, in clothing, luggage and leather goods and countless other objects. Thousands of zipper miles produced daily, meet the needs of consumers, thanks to the early efforts of the many famous zipper inventors.
--- History of the Zipper can be found on by Mary Bellis---- Find out HOW zippers work at howstuffworks... we LOVE that site!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
The history of Harris Tweed

Everything that you'd ever want to know about Harris Tweed can be found here.
What is Harris Tweed?
Harris Tweed is cloth that has been handwoven by the islanders of Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra in their homes, using pure virgin wool that has been dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides.
The history...
The story of Harris Tweed is the story of a remote island community that lies between the Highlands of Scotland on the north west tip of Europe and the North Atlantic Ocean.
For centuries the islanders of Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra have woven the magical cloth the world knows as Harris Tweed, Clo Mhor
in the original Gaelic- 'The big cloth'.
From time immemorial, the inhabitants of the West of Scotland, including the Outer Hebrides had made cloth entirely by hand. As the Industrial Revolution reached Scotland, the mainland turned to mechanisation but the Outer Islands retained their traditional processes. Lewis and Harris had long been known for the excellence of the weaving done there, but up to the middle of the nineteenth century, the cloth was produced mainly for home use or for a purely local market.
In 1846, Lady Dunmore, widow of the late Earl of Dunmore, had the Murray tartan copied by Harris weavers in tweed. This proved so successful that Lady Dunmore devoted much time and thought to marketing the tweed to her friends and then to improving the process of production. This was the beginning of the Harris Tweed industry. At that time the method of making this handmade was as follows:
The raw material, wool, was produced locally and part of it would have been used in its natural uncoloured state, the rest was dyed. In the 19th century vegetable dyes were used. Following dyeing, the wool was mixed, the shade being regulated by the amount of coloured wool added; then it was oiled and teased; the latter process involves pulling the wool apart to open out the fibres. The next part of the preparation, carding, results in the fibres of the wool being drawn out preparatory to spinning. This was a very lengthy process followed by spinning carried out on familiar spinning-wheel by women. Until the turn of the century a very early type of handloom was used for weaving with a manually operated shuttle. The final process is finishing where the tweed is washed and given a raised compact finish. The involved in this process was often accompanied by songs in Gaelic.
As a result of the marketing efforts of Lady Dunmore, increased sales of the tweed were achieved and trade was established with cloth merchants in large towns in the UK.
At about the turn of the century the primitive small loom was replaced by the improved "fly-shuttle" loom. This was made of wood and heavier than the earlier loom tending to make weaving an occupation for men rather than women. Although originally imported from the Galashiels a local joiner started making the new type of loom in 1903.
Between 1903 and 1906 the tweed making industry in Lewis increased rapidly. Mr Aeneas Mackenzie's carding mill in Stornoway added spinning machinery and a second mill was started by Mr Kenneth Mackenzie from whom one of the largest Harris Tweed producing companies in existence takes its name today.
At a meeting in Stornoway in 1906 efforts were considered for placing the industry on a more satisfactory footing. This was a most harmonious meeting and as the Trade Marks Act had been passed in 1905 making provision for a registration of Standardisation Marks, it seemed to be novel opportunity to end the increasing practice of offering mill-spun tweed as genuine Harris Tweed.
This meant the introduction of a system of whereby the tweed was inspected and, if passed, given a certifying stamp which would give confidence to the trade and public. A company limited by guarantee was formed under the title The Harris Tweed Association Limited. This was mainly to ensure the grant of a mark and an application was filed to register the well-known Harris Tweed Trade mark consisting of the orb and the Maltese Cross with the words Harris Tweed underneath. One of the objectives of obtaining a Mark was to protect the industry from the competition of the spinning mills.
The original definition read,"Harris Tweed means a tweed, hand-spun, hand-woven and dyed by the crofters and cottars in the Outer Hebrides".
The Certification Mark was granted in 1909, registered in 1910 and stamping began in 1911. Amended Regulations were confirmed in June 1934 and the following was promulgated, "Harris Tweed means a tweed made from pure virgin wool produced in Scotland, spun, dyed and finished in Outer Hebrides and hand-woven by the islanders at their own homes in the Islands of Lewis , Harris, Uist, Barra and their several purtenances and all known as the Outer Hebrides".
There could be added in legible characters to the Trade Mark, the words "Woven in Lewis", "Woven in Harris", "Woven in Uist" or "Woven in Barra" for the purpose of distinguishing where the tweed was made".
The alteration in the Trademark Definition in 1934, allowing the use of millspun yarn, enabled the industry to make a huge leap in production. The stamped yardage increased tenfold and continued to increase till the peak figure of 7.6 million yards was reached in 1966.
The Hattersley single width loom The introduction of the Hattersley domestic loom in the 1920s enabled the weavers to produce more and to weave complicated patterns that could not be woven on the large wooden looms that were used for the previous 50 years.
This loom was brought to the islands by Lord Leverhulme who owned Lewis and Harris for some years and introduced many changes with mixed results.
The Hattersley loom is still used in the industry but is being replaced by the new Bonas-Griffith double width loom which was introduced in 1996 to satisfy market demands for wider, softer, lighter Harris Tweed. The Harris Tweed Association was the proprietor of the famous "Orb" Trademark. Throughout this century the HTA protected and promoted the Orb all over the world. The success of the industry meant that competitors tried to imitate Harris Tweed or pass off other fabrics as genuine. Much of the competition was from mainland Scotland and this led to a case at the Court of Session in 1964 that was, for a long time, the longest civil case in Scottish legal history. The judgement by Lord Hunter re-inforced the 1934 definition that tied all production processes to the Outer Hebrides and removed the threat of mainland competition. The years following the 1964 case were the most successful ever for Harris Tweed but, by the late 1980s the industry had begun to contract as fashions changed and the Harris Tweed jacket became less popular. The industry set out to transform itself by:
* producing a new double width loom
* re-training weavers
* introducing new, tougher Standards
* marketing the new wider, softer, lighter tweed.
The Harris Tweed Authority took over from the Harris Tweed Association in 1993 by Act of Parliament. Thus the definition of Harris Tweed became statutory and forever tied the cloth to the Islands:
Harris Tweed means a tweed which has been hand woven by the islanders at their homes in the Outer Hebrides, finished in the islands of Harris, Lewis, North Uist, Benbecula, South Uist and Barra and their several purtenances (The Outer Hebrides) and made from pure virgin wool dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides.
The late 90s are a difficult time for the British textile industry and Harris Tweed is no exception. However there is confidence that the hard decisions taken to reform the industry will eventually bear fruit and secure the future of this unique product.
The history of Harris Tweed from its origins right up to the 1993 Act of Parliament has been published by Acair Ltd of Stornoway, Isle of Lewis ( Tel: +44 (0) 1851 703020).
All text above is from the website and is their property.
Check out their website! See how Harris Tweed is made.
DressThatMan in Harris Tweed !
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
the miracle of POLYESTER

Polyester began as a group of polymers in W.H. Carothers' laboratory. Carothers was working for DuPont at the time when he discovered that alcohols and carboxyl acids could be successfully combined to form fibers. Polyester was put on the back burner once Carothers discovered nylon. A group of British scientists took up Carothers' work in 1939. In 1941 they created the first polyester fiber called Terylene. In 1946 DuPont bought all legal rights from the Brits and came up with another polyester fiber which they named Dacron.
Polyester said "hello there" to the American public in the year 1951. It was originally promoted as a miracle fiber that could be worn for 68 days straight without ironing and still look presentable. Although we've naturally been tempted, DressThatMan has not yet tested this theory. We're most curious what might happen if we stretched it to 69 days.
In 1958 another polyester fiber called Kodel was developed by Eastman Chemical Products, Inc. Polyester was in expansion mode. Since it was inexpensive and durable fiber, small textile factories popped up nationwide, producing cheap polyester garments. Polyester experienced a constant growth well into the 1970's and even a period of a shortage in the mid 70's when demand peaked. Before the 70's ended, sales drastically declined. Most likely influenced due to the negative public image that emerged as a result of the public scourge, outfit enemy #1 known as the polyester double-knit leisure suit. Polyester was seen as cheap and tacky. Not to mention its unbreathable qualities during the height of the disco era. A deadly combination.
Polyester is quite friendly and plays well with other fibers. It's a common ingredient in cotton blends to help lend a no-iron label to a wide production line. Mainly because it's cheap to produce, is durable and coupled with the wrinkle resistant properties, it all feeds into the public lazy at large factor. How many of us iron on a regular basis anymore? Most don't. For the most part, we can thank our friend polyester for that. The magic of science and chemicals.
Never EVER iron 100% polyester anything directly with a hot iron. If you must wad up and wrinkle your poly products, steam them instead - even though a warm iron will generally do the trick it's best to avoid the ugly mess and chancing the possibility of melting a petrochemical fiber and adhering it permanently onto your iron and ruining your garment. Although you can safely iron poly stuff with a towel or some other cotton fabric down on top of the polyester, the crew at prefers steaming everything to ironing. It's way more fun than ironing, too.
Nylon, polyester and acrylic tend to be slow to ignite but once ignited, severe melting and dripping occurs. So be careful. Polyester is resistant to flame ignition, but once ignited it melts like hot cheese and sticks to things.
Yikes. But oddly enough, it's the polyester blends with cotton that have higher flammable qualities. Probably because cotton likes to burn and polyester likes to drip and stick. But, silk is the worst. It has a high flash burn rate which can actually be increased by the color dyes and other additives used in its production.
As could be predicted, heavy, tight weave fabrics will burn slower than loose weave, light fabrics of the same material. The surface texture of the fabric also affects flammability. Fabrics with long, loose, fluffy pile or "brushed" nap will ignite more readily than fabrics with a hard, tight surface, and in some cases will result in flames flashing across the fabric surface.
Wool is naturally flame-retardant. If ignited, it generally has a low burning rate and much higher probability rate that it will self-extinguish. Glass fibers and modacrylic are nearly flame-resistant. These synthetic fibers are designed and manufactured to possess flame-retardant properties.
Enough about flaming and burning undesirables. Let's move back to the object of our passionate petrochemical romance. Polyester. Onto its resurgence.
Our current day passion for the charm of petrochemical polyester is embraced through the development of luxurious fibers such as the polyester microfiber. The masses adore it. Microfibers are riding a wave of popularity thus predicting a very bright future for our friend polyester. Technology has been enabled us to produce polyester filaments used that are finer than silk. The products created are breathable and water repellant and durable, too. The miracle fiber has given us polar fleece and our collective hearts were again warmed to polyester. Blankets and clothing to keep us all snuggly and cuddly microfibers made us fall for wrinkle resistant polyester again.
The invention that overcame its tacky factor reputation by surviving a major scourge has become a supernatural synthetic. The marvels of science and the resulting invention of microfiber polyester is gaining a major reputation as a luxury fabric that will surely be here to stay for years to come.
The crew at DressThatMan salutes the magic of science for giving us polyester. Daily.
We no longer have to be made to feel cheap, tacky and generally tawdry because of our passion for polyester.
Now we can feel all of those things just because we are.
for more information about fireproofing fabrics go here
Friday, August 26, 2005
Get some Disco Music to go along with that Leisure Suit!

Ok, man. So... you've bought far out, groovy ass clothes from DressThatMan and now you need the music to make it all come alive. Check out these 12 tunes to really get your party started - if you have these, and then some.... your retro disco party is bound to be a success!
Star Love - Cheryl Lynn
Disco Nights - GQ
You Make Me Feel Mighty Real - Sylvester
Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Santa Esmeralda
Shame - Evenlyn Champange King
Love And Desire - Arpeggio
Turn the Beat Around - Vickie Sue Robinson
Romeo And Juliet - Alec R. Costandinos
Let's All Chant - Michael Zager Band
Disco Inferno - Trammps
Doctor Love - First Choice
Dazz - Brick
If you can sit in a chair and not move a muscle while these songs play - then check your pulse...
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Disco Pants, Shirts & Polyester Leisure Suits for Halloween

Hey, Man! We're gearing up to be dishing up some fantastic finds in fabric for guys shopping at who are looking to dress in that 70's House way for the upcoming Halloween and retro theme party season. Some smart guys have already been shopping for the funky clothes, so if you're into that retro look in party attire: mens flares and bell bottoms, wild print disco shirts, or a far out trippin' complete get up in a 1970's era polyester leisure suit... now is the time to get looking. If you wait until the last minute, we're gonna be completely picked over.
The 1970's was a complete stand out fashion era, and we're happy to be able to bring back the 70's ultra pimp groovy funky look for men worldwide. We even have some customers who proudly dare to be different and wear some of these wild and crazy fashions sporadically all year long.
Ya gotta have that funk.
Thursday, August 04, 2005

NEW YORK (Wireless Flash)
Did you ever wonder who invented the leisure suit and what he's doing now?
The leisure suit was invented in 1970 by designer Jerry Rosengarten, who is now a real estate developer in New York City.
The very first polyester double-knit leisure suit was a reversible navy-blue/houndstooth outfit Rosengarten created to highlight the versatility of double-knits.
Unfortunately, the polyester jacket became known as "the sleaze-ure suit" after second-rate companies started making cheap knockoffs in bizarre colors including powder blue and mint green. The exact type of leisure suits that DressThatMan would absolutely die for!
Rosengarten says if the major textile mills had jumped on the polyester bandwagon sooner, leisure suits would still be in style today. But, they ARE! We can't keep enough of the in stock. Guys worldwide covet them.
These days, the 52-year-old developer is also helping draw attention to a mysterious reading disorder called Scoptopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS) which makes words look like a jumbled blob.
Rosengarten says almost 33 percent of the population suffers from SSS, which can be diagnosed by using a Rainbow Reader Test Kit (Avery Publishing). The kit contains colored overlays that are placed over text to make it easier to read.
CONTACT: Jerry Rosengarten, ***1/2 (He'll talk about leisure suits only if he can talk about SSS.); NYC; (212) 242-6464
Copyright 1997 Wireless Flash News Service. All rights reserved.
"Ummm.... hello.... Jerry? What are you wearing right now..."
Sunday, July 31, 2005
...who is that man at DressThatMan?

Some men have ALL the fun...
he’s untamed in a sea of blase attire
there’s only one thing that sets him on fire
remnants of the past in garment form
he’s wild, he’s fiery, he’s so not the norm
peculiar, particular, he’s an uncommon man
a full fashion misfit against a sea of the bland
he exceeds expectation and transcends limits
the brighter the pattern the more he wants in it
he’s got sizzle, sass, electric dazzle and dare
he promotes dropped jaws and whispering stares
he walks in the room, people stare and turn ashen
for he’s pure proof of the fever called polyester passion
If he’s got a fever that needs to be fed, we’ve got his poison.
Purveyor of authentic disco era shirts.
*verse is the intellectual property of Sam at and may not be used without our expressed consent
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Lilly Pulitzer - Men's Stuff
Clothes as Art
wild, wearable mens fashion we love
Not every man can pull off wearing a Lilly Putlitzer. Palm Beach socialite turned fashion designer, she worked not because she had to but, because she wanted a project of her own. Bright, bold and in your face color and design Lilly began designing and creating women's clothing after first operating a juice stand in Palm beach. Her designs became a sensation with the rich and famous.
Lilly created her Men’s Stuff line for a limited time in the late 60’s and early 70's. Today she still has a devoted fan following who hold in high esteem their ownership of an authentic vintage Lilly. Granted, it’s a niche. But it’s a niche we love. Lilly Putlitzer Men's Stuff devotees are a special bunch. Unafraid of wearing clothes that demand attention for their funky prints and ultra bright colors, this wild attire is not something every man would wear. To the man with a passion for wearing Lilly, he exudes confidence and absolutely doesn’t take life as seriously as some. We’ve found that these guys have a sense of unparalleled humor and tend to be the definition of, “life of the party.”
We love Lilly! And we love guys who love the vintage Men's Stuff line.
The same goes for the wild and colorful disco shirts from the 1970’s. The man that wears a funky shirt isn’t at all afraid of attracting attention and being different. In fact, they take great pride in being their own man. They are self-assured and create excitement, and of course, people can’t help but to notice them wherever they go. Nobody else shows up at the club looking like a clone of you when stepping out in an authentic vintage 70’s disco era shirt.
Of course, the man beneath the clothes is the deciding individual factor as to whether or not he can feel comfortable proudly wearing such a loud clothing. There’s no hiding like a wallflower when you choose to go wild man, here I am, retro style. It’s a bold and manly maneuver set aside for the few who are so daring.
The crew at loves the fun guys in the world and makes a big toast to you all. Wherever you are on the globe. We truly appreciate you.
Show off your individuality. Celebrate your independence from the sea of the fashion blasé. Following the multitude isn’t an option for all.
Be your own man.
Show us your prints!
Show us your colors!
Clothing is ART.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Disco Party at!
When the boss arrived back from an out of town trip, there were disco albums scattered along the table near the record player. The disco ball was still in motion and the strobe light was flashing in broad daylight. Near the edge of the table where the albums were scattered, there was an empty bottle of Southern Comfort along with evidence of Taco Bell take-out.
The boss wasn't even pissed off, aside from missing what appeared to be an exceedingly fun night.
Some jobs are fun.
Although it helps to remember the fun you had.
Friday, July 22, 2005
1970's FUNKY Polyester Leisure Suits
Believe it or not... men with a passion for polyester still exist. Men who crave the flexibilty and retro style of an authentic 70's Disco Suit are coming out of the woodwork in various parts of the world. They are coming out to buy these retro 1970's threads in droves. They're shopping online.
While we've sold a massive amount of men's leisure suits already, not one man so far has been brave enough to send us a picture and be immortalized in his retrolucious polysplendid groovy assed glory in's Funky Fashion Hall of Fame. A fact that, quite frankly, has left us feeling damn surprised. Shocked even.
A wild styled men's polyester leisure suit doesn't exactly scream "introvert", now does it?
Could it be that we are creating a new, yet undiscovered phenomenon in stashed fashion? Is the wild poly ensemble a secret being donned when a man is allowed enough time alone? Perhaps so. Maybe the shame of the secret disco suit is taking ordinarily brave men who've had a history of revealing their innermost feelings and turning them into something that feels more like an underground fetish fashion fiend.
Oprah! Get with the picture.
We recently spoke to Dick. Of course Dick didn't want us to use his real name or, of course, to show his picture. So, we didn't. But, we will tell you that Dick had on the most blinding lime green leisure suit with black contrasting stitching that we'd ever seen. A white belt, white platform shoes, white hat and a wild and shiny disco shirt with a black and yellow-gold zig-zag pattern to it. He appeared as if he was coming unglued. The sweat beaded above his eyebrows and above his lip even as he sipped and nervously jarred his glass of ice water by passing it rythmically back and forth between his hands. As the ice cubes continually made that tinkling sound ice makes against the walls of a glass, we reassured him of his safety and promised he'd be anonymous at least 67 times.
At long last, Dick began to talk. Right before the ice tinkling got to the point where we belted him one.
"I-I-I- well... I've never talked about this. But... errr... I get the most delicious joy surges coursing through my being when I climb in to a leisure suit... I'm feeling like a super hero love machine. Pimp daddy extrordinaire. Fantastic. But, the downside lately is that the Bee Gees are in my frickin' dreams every single night. I've got night fever. Last night I woke myself up saying, 'play that funky music white boy.' REALLY LOUD. And.... errr.... nobody knows I love to dress up like this. I'm afraid to leave the house."
We left Dick alone in the room with a bottle of Southern Comfort. At some point he escaped into the night leaving only his glass behind and an empty bottle. The fabric on the seat of the overstuffed chair was wet. We hoped it was Southern Comfort.
We urge all of you disco daddies to publicly unveil the super groovy glory of polyester power and receive your man made fiber validation. Celebrate it. Come out of the self imposed bondage of hiding in the closet of funky fashion. Drop that shame in the dumpster and hustle, baby.
Bottom line people:
...don't be a Dick. Send us your pic.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Disco Shirts for MEN
Every guy needs some purely FUN
clothes in his closet!
Why not get yourself an authentic vintage shirt from the 1970's?
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Big Sky - no WIFI
It’s damn cool knowing that in some way we’re making an impact, no matter how slight, in the world. While we’re acting locally, we’re impacting globally.
There are guys in Iceland wearing groovy butterfly collar blue jean jackets. Japanese guys are doing it in retro style while wearing vintage Levi Action suits. A Norwegian 50’s band member is performing in a 1950’s gabardine shirt in an unusual dark pumpkin color. Men in the United Kingdom have become some of our best customers. We’re covering the UK cowboys in western attire, dressing businessmen in top quality suits and, setting up the weekend party animals in the funkiest vintage shirts. And, they aren’t alone. There are fun and fashionable guys all over the planet. The Netherlands, Malaysia, Germany, France, Thailand, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, India…and more.
We’ve sent stuff out to every state in the USA, with one notable exception.
Yep. It's true as of this date.
Montana. Big sky country.
That’s it.
They are all outside looking at the sky.
Friday, February 25, 2005
humble beginnings...
If someone would have ever told me that I would, one day, be surrounded by thousands of articles of men's vintage clothing and loving every damn minute of it, I would have freaked out.
Yes. And here I am. Grooving to the old disco music blaring out of the radio (Disco Nights by GQ in case you were wondering) while I gaze across the room toward racks of wild big collar shirts and funky clothes that are begging to come alive again. I can almost imagine some of them filled with former life and dancing across the room. Lights dim. Fog machine. Strobe lights. I'm so mesmerized at the thought I feel stoned.
Perhaps it's that energy transference thing I've read about. You know. The apparent claim that energy is stored in places and things. Maybe it's taking me over.
There's lots of work I hope to do this weekend. I need a clear head to do it with. Coding and testing the site requires concentration.
OK then. Time to go hang with the designer suits and dress shirts with the hope that some corporate sense transfers upon me.