OHMAHGAWD! If you want to trip out and experience some of the seventies gaudiest fashions, then this book is a MUST HAVE for you. We laughed so hard we cried, and THAT was just at the photographs.
Packed full of 70's trivia for both Men’s and Women’s fashion, with tantilizing tidbits and cultural landmarks of the seventies, this book is a fun flashback for those who lived through the decade, and a complete trip for those who newly discover it. Author Maureen Valdes Marsh of Vintage Grace, tackles the subject with humor and warmth.
A bit of trivia gleaned from the book... “In 1974 alone, manufacturers were selling wholesale volumes of approximately $1.7 billion in leisure suits. At an average retail price of $79 to $100, that’s a lot of leisure suits in the closet.” According to the inflation calculator, those suits would now be worth between $330 and $420 in 2006! But, you men who want to get funked up and relive the decade can buy an authentic 70’s vintage leisure suit from DressThatMan.com for far less, but enough about us - let's get back to the book.
Vividly illustrated throughout its 112 pages, this pop culture book is perfect for honing your seventies look and as a reference to the most flamboyant fashion decade known to man, and woman - the 1970's.
To learn more, and to get the book: http://www.70sfashionfiascos.com/